
Showing posts with the label POS Machine

Point of Sale- Key Components, Types, and Features

Operating a retail store requires a bunch of activities including administration, marketing, and above all, the marketing. Functioning through an efficacious Point of Sale (POS) system can lead to a way long in running operations smoothly. We, here, bring some key components, types, and features of a POS system, you should bother about, before implementing one for your retail store. Components of POS Hardware POSmachine’s hardware typically consists of the physical setup such as server, PC, cash register, etc. Some cloud-hosted machines have portable devices like tablet or smartphone. Other devices like barcode scanner, printer, weighing machine, etc. are the add-ons serving special purposes. Software POS machine has a special database to store vital records. Some software are integrated with 3 rd party software including book-keeping, accounting, e-commerce, and email marketing. Types Of POS Type of POS , from being simple to complex, depends upon